Friday, April 11, 2008

It's Official! Caiden looks more like...

Almost from day one, nearly everyone has said how much Caiden looks like Eric. There have been the scattered few who actually think he looks like me (mostly people who have never met Eric!). While I personally believe he's Eric's mini-me, with my fair skin, I sometimes like to think I recognize glimpses of myself in him... subtle as they may be.

So, just for fun I decided to participate in this online look-alike software to see what the face recognition "experts" say. The verdict is that he looks mostly like the both of us, with a slight edge in Eric's favor. Some small part of me rejoices at this! *lol* Especially since I was the one who got to bear the brunt of the whole pregnancy and delivery stuff, I need to get some credit. Anyway, it was interesting to try it out, even though I don't think it's that accurate:

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

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